Last weekend we received so many amazing gifts for Wesley! I ended up having to borrow an extra suitcase from my parents and check another FULL bag to get home but it was obviously well worth it! On Friday I emptied the gifts and laid them all out so Conner could properly see the amazing bounty we received...

First of all, one of my favorite touches was asking our guests to bring their favorite baby book in lieu of a card. These days, with the price of cards, baby books aren't really that much more expensive and they're much more practical! Now we have 28 books to start our little man's library! 28!! It was really fun seeing what people decided to bring and several harkened back to mine and Conner's childhood. Loved this! 

We also received several BEAUTIFUL homemade items like quilts, blankets, toys, hats and even a scarf (my mom is making sure Wesley will be prepared for the trips to Oregon she is looking forward to!). We got clothes (including swimwear - can't wait to swim with my little water baby who ALWAYS wakes up and moves a bunch when I'm in the tub!) toys, swaddles, a playmat, bath accessories, crib sheets, little Converse sneakers (anyone who knew me in my youth knows I basically lived in those - particularly my Sis who bought them for us!), an awesome diaper bag, a boppy (which didn't make it in this picture) and postpartum care items for me. And finally, we were graced with quite a few gift cards which allowed me to place one big order for the remaining items we needed - $650 worth of stuff - and I only had to pay $108 for it! We even still have a $150 Target gift card leftover! Here's some of the stuff I ordered with that money:

Ozzie thinks all of the baby's stuff is for him. Dizzy just wants the boxes it all comes in. :)

To say we feel incredibly blessed is a gross understatement. But beyond the gifts, what really meant the most to me was the support and love from the amazing people in our lives. We are so fortunate to have you all "by our sides" even from halfway across the country! We love you and appreciate you more than you know! 

Now I get to finally put the finishing touches on the nursery! I can't wait to share photos of it! I've had so much fun with that room. :) 

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